Teig ausrollen - translation to Αγγλικά
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Teig ausrollen - translation to Αγγλικά

Teig, Michael

Teig ausrollen      
pull dough, stretch dough
pull dough      
Teig ausrollen


¦ noun informal, offensive (in Northern Ireland) a Protestant name for a Catholic.
1970s: var. of Teague, anglicized spelling of the Ir. name Tadhg, a nickname for an Irishman.


Michael Teig

Michael Teig (born 1968), is an American poet and a founding editor of the American literary journal, jubilat.

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania in the City of Franklin, Teig holds a bachelor's degree in English from Oberlin College and a master of fine arts degree in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Teig attended the Kiski School in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1888, this all-boys boarding school introduced him to arts.

His first book, Big Back Yard (BOA Editions, 2003), was selected by Stephen Dobyns to receive the inaugural A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize. Teig's poems have appeared in periodicals including FIELD, The Black Warrior Review, Crazyhorse, The Ohio Review, and The Gettysburg Review. He is a founding editor of jubilat, a twice-yearly international poetry journal.

Teig currently (as of late 2006) lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts, where he works as a freelance writer and editor.